Week 8 Reading and Writing

    Upon reviewing my blog, project, and past work, I'm generally content with the layout and design. On the project though, I would like to add some more photos to my second story soon because I think that really spiced up my first story. It just seems boring without them. As to my writing, I'm pretty satisfied with it as well but I have the same critique as in the other class where I want to include more fantastical elements and less realism than I do now. It's a weakness of mine to write in a more realistic sense rather than a fictional one. Other than that, I am pretty happy with how things are turning out. 

Cliff (Source: Pixabay)
    I chose this photo as my favorite because it brings me peace. I'm all about how something makes me feel and this picture definitely makes me feel melancholy and peaceful which is why I like it so much. I also like the eeriness of the fog. 
    Moving forward, I want to try and write stories that are less grounded in reality as a change of pace. I'm not sure that I'll achieve this goal, but it would be nice to vary my works from one another so that they don't get boring to read. I want to write a story that is utterly wild at some point soon. 



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