Reading Notes: Canterbury Tales, Part B

 Canterbury Tales by Chaucer

The Prioress's Tale: Little Hugh

- "Thereupon the Jews agreed to do away with the child. There was a wicked murderer who lived in an alley in a dark and secret place, and they hired him to seize the singing child as he passed by and cut his tiny throat and cast his little body down into a pit."

*Wow, that's dark.*

- "Here a great miracle was manifested, for down in the deep darkness of the pit the little boy lay, and though his throat was cut by the murderous knife, still he sang loud and clear his "O Alma Redemptoris" till all the place rang with the music."

*This is really creepy though.*

Blessed Mother (Source: Pixabay)

Bibliography: Canterbury Tales by Chaucer. Website: Mythology and Folklore UN-Textbook.


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